Anneli Nilsson Psychotherapy Psychotherapy near Oxford, Headington & Wheatley

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Resources for ...

Enhancing well-being

Addressing mental health issues

Recovering from trauma

These websites can help you to enhance your well-being if you feel fairly well.

The School of Life - a cultural enterprise offering ideas for everyday life. It offers a variety of programs and services concerned with how to live wisely, as well as how to nourish and take care of your mind.

Oxford Mindfulness Centre - offers mindfulness training in Oxford.

Medito - is a free mindfulness app that offers meditions on a variety of topics, e.g. body scans, bedtime stories and anxiety lowering breathing exercises. They range from short to long in duration and there is a beginners course for those who are cultivating calmness.

TED talks - in these talks wise, humorous psychotherapist share their understanding of conflict (Lerner), vulnerability (Brown) and sexual relationships (Perel).

Podcasts for Students - Oxford University Counselling Service's practical and kindly podcasts that can help return order to a frazzled mind.

Your GP surgery website is also likely to have information about resources they can offer such as an online 'Mood Gym'.

These institutions offer sound information on how to address mental health problems. Some focus on providing an overview and others offer treatment or support.

Live Well - a comprehensive and sensible NHS website that addresses general and specific and mental health issues. It offers advice on self-care; video explanations from experts and real-life examples of recovery.

Al-Anon UK - offers support to anyone whose life has been affected by someone else's drinking. There are three support groups in Oxford and others across the county.

Mind - an informative website for those suffering from mental distress and those who care for them. This link is to their 'Booklets' web page, it offers guides on most mental health issues, including expert advice on medication.

Mental Health Foundation – free mental health podcasts are available to improve mental health or to begin tackling anxiety, fear, stress, anger, physical health and poor sleep.

Pornography - the Childline website provides sane advice about online sex, it is written for older children but its friendly, non-nonsense approach it helpful for adults too.

Oxon Talking Therapies - provides free Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Patients receive remedial information and instructions to follow. CBT could suit you if you like the idea of being taken through a short, intensive program of activities to address a specific mental health problem. It's for Oxon residents who are registered with a local GP.

Helplines - if you are concerned about yourself of someone close to you this list of helplines and support groups, from 'It's Good Two Talk', offers problem-specific signposting to help.

Anxiety & the Brain - an American psychologist explains the brain processes that influence anxiety and behavioural techniques to help. Understanding and addressing what's going on in your anxious brain is a good basis for creating calm. There are some sound tips at the end about relaxation, distraction and sleep. This lecture might also lull you to sleep as it's quite dense!

These organisations specialise in helping anyone who has been attacked or involved in something traumatic. Telltale signs of trauma are that the events are deeply disturbing and healing/moving on from them doesn't happen.

Relate - here is this national charity's explanation of what emotional abuse is.

UK Trauma Council - this short film from UKTC explains what happens in the brain after children face traumatic experiences in childhood, like abuse and neglect.

Rape Crisis - is a national charity and the umbrella body for a network of Rape Crisis Centres - women only.

Rights of Women - is a charity that provides legal information on issues that impact women's lives. Here is their guide on coercive control.

Male Survivors Partnership - MSP is a consortium of sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation support organisations that offer specialist support to boys and men across the UK, working together for the purpose of generating healing.

One In Four - supports people who have experienced child sexual abuse.

Victim Support – is a UK-wide national umbrella agency for 135 specialist organisations for support for the impact of rape, sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse.

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